毕业 & 证书服务

Commencement Participation 

所有大学的毕业典礼在五月举行,学生在春季学期按计划完成学位要求. 如果你已经注册,并且在接下来的夏季课程中按时完成所有学位要求, you may also participate in the University Commencement Convocation, although your degree is not conferred until August. 根据院系或学院的政策,你也可以参加大学毕业典礼后的院系或学院仪式.

每年的12月毕业典礼是为在秋季学期完成学位要求的学生举行的. 如果你在之前的暑期课程中完成了学位要求,你也可以参加. 如果你按时入学并在接下来的1月学期(1月)期间完成所有学位要求, you may also participate in the December ceremony, although your degree is not conferred until January.

你可以参加5月的全大学毕业典礼,也可以参加12月的全大学毕业典礼, 但不是两者都有.

To participate in a ceremony, 你必须在网上申请,并向你学校的记录办公室提交研究生候选人申请或参与意向表格.


To Apply for 毕业:

研究生候选资格申请可以通过您的记录学校获得. Please contact your graduation adviser. Apply for graduation online through the Student Dashboard in my. SMU. 你的入学学校会联系你,通知你有资格申请毕业. If you have any questions, please contact your school of record.


Last day to file for Jan Term graduation: January 7, 2024

Last day to file for Spring graduation: January 31, 2024

Last day to file for May graduation: May 19, 2024

Last day to file for Summer graduation: June 12, 2024


Degree Certification and Apostille

国际公司或机构可能为了就业或参加教育机构而要求文凭的认证副本. 大学注册办公室可以帮助你获得学位证书. 新加坡管理大学的学位证书在国内和国际上都被接受.  您可以订购学位证书(Apostille)或成绩单认证通过 罗依市场.

If you have possession of your diploma:

你可以把你的文凭带到位于劳拉·李·布兰顿大楼的大学注册办公室, 101房间. 大学注册办公室将提供一套三份经过公证的文凭复印件,费用为15美元(15美元).00) (order and pay through the 罗依市场). The documents include the 签名 of the Associate 注册商, 公证人的印章, 签名, and expiration date of the Notary. 如果您不能带来文凭,请将文凭邮寄到以下地址之一.

Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275-0181

Southern Methodist University
Laura Lee Blanton Building, Suite 300

If you do not have access to your diploma or it's no longer available:

A replacement diploma will need to be ordered through the 罗依市场. It may take 3-4 weeks for the new diploma to arrive. Once the 大学注册’s Office has received your diploma, we will then begin the degree certification process.

加注章是由德克萨斯州奥斯汀的州务卿办公室在文件上加盖的. 有关邮寄地址和价格信息,请访问 Texas Secretary of State Office website and complete forms 2101 and 2102 listed on item 2 - Authentications Unit.

一旦认证经过大学注册办公室的处理和公证, the following options are available for obtaining the Apostille:

  • 这些文件可以从大学注册办公室退还给您,您可以将您的指示转发给德克萨斯州州务卿办公室.
  • 在取得书面同意后,有关文件可向“学生同意新大向学生指定的第三方发布信息表格,然后将文件转发给德克萨斯州州务卿办公室.

For additional assistance please contact Jackie Wilborn, Assistant 注册商 of 毕业 and Certification at jwilborn@jbzhaoming.com or 214-768-2048.


You have the option to request a Diploma Name to be printed on your diploma. This can be accomplished through the Student Dashboard in my.SMU. If you do not have access to my.请与注册办公室联系,我们将更新文凭名称. This is not applicable to international students. Please refer to last bullet point below. 

It is important to note:

  • 你可以要求在你的文凭上更改你选择的名字,只要它不是亵渎, 显式的, 或者是粗俗的.  不符合这些标准的文凭名称更改将不予处理,将使用主名称(又名法定名称). 

  • Updating your Diploma Name only updates the name printed on your diploma. 您的学习记录(例如,成绩单)仍将显示主名称.
  • 如果你的文凭和成绩单需要提交国际用途, there is the potential for delayed confirmation due to the discrepancy.
  • 如果没有指定文凭名称,您的主名称将显示在文凭上.
  • International Students -所有的名称更改将被审查,必须符合联邦法规. 姓名必须与国际学生和学者服务(ISSS)办公室的文件相符. 国际学生更名的最终决定权在国际学生学会.


最低毕业荣誉GPA在每学年的10月份公布. The minimum GPA's represent the top 5 percent, 10%, and 15 percent in the five undergraduate schools – Cox, Dedman (including Evening Studies), 莱尔, 梅多斯, 和西蒙斯.

Click here to learn more about 学位的荣誉



文凭将于周四或之后邮寄到您的家庭或文凭地址, 6月13日, 2024.  

Please make sure to check my.SMU to verify you have a correct HOME or DIPLOMA address listed.


Summer diplomas will be mailed to your home address in late August. Please make sure to check my.SMU to verify you have a correct HOME or DIPLOMA address listed.  


Fall diplomas will be mailed to your home address in late January. Please make sure to check my.SMU to verify you have a correct HOME or DIPLOMA address listed 


NOTE: If you owe money to the University, you will not receive your diploma until your account has been cleared.


Diploma Information and Size

Diplomas contain your name, 学位名称, 授与日期, 签名 of the academic Dean(s), and the officials who are currently in office.

Majors are printed on the diplomas.

Diplomas are printed in the two sizes below:
Undergraduate diplomas are 8 ½ x 11.
Graduate and Professional diplomas are 11 x 14.


成功完成学位要求的毕业生可通过其所就读的学术学校获得学位. 大学注册处在每学期结束时颁发文凭. 文凭直接从供应商邮寄到候选人的地址,提供在 my.SMU. Students are notified via e-mail when their diplomas have been shipped.


You may order an additional copy of your diploma through the 罗依市场.

Statute of Limitations for Degree Plans

