
院长Elmo B法官. Hunter Legal Center for Victims of Crimes Against Women and Associate Professor of Law




娜塔莉Nanasi is an Associate Professor of Law and the founding 院长Elmo B法官. Hunter Legal Center for Victims of Crimes Against Women.  

在亨特诊所, Professor Nanasi supervises students’ representation of survivors of intimate partner violence, 人口贩卖, and sexual abuse in a broad range of legal matters. She also oversees students as they conduct systemic policy advocacy and community education to find long-term solutions to the problem of violence against women. Professor Nanasi's research explores the intersection of gender and feminist theory with the 第二修正案 and immigration law. Her scholarship has appeared in numerous journals and law reviews, including the 《威尼斯人博彩》, 耶鲁法律与女权主义杂志, 哈佛大学法学院 & 政策评估, 维克森林法律评论, 《威尼斯人博彩》, 维拉诺瓦法律评论, and 哥伦比亚性别与法律杂志.

在到达新大之前, Professor Nanasi was a Practitioner-in-Residence and the Director of the Domestic Violence Clinic at American University, 华盛顿法学院(WCL). 在加入WCL之前, she was the Senior Immigration Attorney and Pro Bono Coordinator at the Tahirih Justice Center, where she represented immigrant women and girls fleeing human rights abuses such as female genital cutting, 家庭暴力和性暴力, 强迫婚姻, 荣誉犯罪. Professor Nanasi also served as counsel in the landmark asylum case of A-T-的问题 and as an Equal Justice Works Fellow from 2007-2009, with a focus on the U visa. 在塔希里工作之前, she was a law clerk to the Honorable Lynn Leibovitz of the District of Columbia Superior Court.

纳纳西教授获得了J.D. 乔治敦大学法学院, where she earned an Equal Justice Foundation fellowship for her work at the South Asia Human Rights Documentation Center in New Delhi, India, and assisted in the representation of HIV-positive immigrants at Whitman Walker Clinic Legal Services. 在她从事法律职业之前, Professor Nanasi was a rape crisis counselor and supported single teenage mothers at a transitional residence facility in Boston.


  • 法律诊所教育
  • 人道主义移民法
  • 家庭暴力法
  • 性别与法律
  • 第二修正案






Reconciling Domestic Violence Protections and the 第二修正案, 59 维克森林法律评论 131 (2024)

New Approaches to Disarming Domestic Abusers, 67 维拉诺瓦法律评论 651 (2022)

Patriarchy's Link to Intimate Partner Violence: Applications to Survivors’ Asylum Claims, 针对妇女的暴力行为 (2022)(与博士合作. 丹尼尔·桑德斯博士. Tina Jiwatram-Negrón和Iris Cardenas)

特定社会群体的死亡 260 《纽约大学法律与社会变革评论 309 (2021)

解除家庭暴力者的武装, 559 哈佛大学法学院 & 政策评估 608 (2020)

家庭暴力者是恐怖分子吗? 修辞、现实与庇护法, 91 《威尼斯人博彩》 215 (2019)

The U Visa's Failed Promise for Survivors of Domestic Violence, 29 耶鲁法学杂志 & 女权主义 273 (2018)

Domestic Violence Asylum and the Perpetuation of the Victimization Narrative, 78 俄亥俄州法律杂志 733 (2017)

An “I Do” I Choose: How the Fight for Marriage Access Supports a Per Se Finding of Persecution for Asylum Cases Based on Forced Marriage, 28 哥伦比亚性别杂志 & Law 48 (2014)


图书馆的遗产, 71 新大法律评论 27 (2018)

博客文章, U.S. Marriage Equality Decision Highlights Disparity in Forced Marriage Asylum Adjudication, IntLawGrrls (2015年7月23日)

Lessons from A-T-的问题: Guidance for Practitioners Litigating Asylum Cases Involving a Spectrum of Gender-Based Harms, from Female Genital Mutilation to Forced Marriage and Beyond, 12-02 移民简报 1(2012年2月)

The U Visa: An Effective Resource for Law Enforcement, 联邦调查局执法公报 (2009年10月)

New Help for Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault, 性侵犯报告 (2009年2月/ 3月), 转载的 Family & 亲密伴侣暴力季刊 (2011年冬季)


足够的类似采访中, What Rahimi Decision Means for the 第二修正案 (播客)(2024年7月)

牛津人权中心专栏, US Supreme Court Upholds Law that Disarms Domestic Abusers, But Future Challenges Await (2024年6月)

Ms.专栏, U.S. v. 拉希米否认滥用枪支. 这个决定是一个异常值. (2024年6月)

NPR, 出现在 Up First: SCOTUS Gun Ruling, Early Heat Wave Hurts, French Right Wing Rises (2024年6月)

哥伦比亚广播公司德州, 引用 德州男子对枪支所有权的挑战, domestic violence restraining order law heads to Supreme Court (2023年11月)

FOX 4, 引用 Supreme Court to hear Arlington case on law that takes guns from those accused of domestic violence (2023年11月)

ABC 8, 引用 SCOTUS to hear Texas case about whether domestic violence suspects can be banned from having guns (2023年11月)

The Hill专栏, Does the 第二修正案 protect the right of abusers to own a gun? 我们马上就知道了. (2023年11月)

休斯敦纪事报专栏, When abusers have guns, everyone is at risk (2023年11月)(与凯利·罗斯卡姆合作)

ProPublica, 引用 The Supreme Court Will Decide if Domestic Abuse Orders Can Bar People From Having Guns. 生命危在旦夕. (2023年11月)

Law 360引用 Ken Paxton Wins Texas AG Race Despite Legal Woes (2022年11月)

《威尼斯人娱乐城》, 引用 Ohio Republican Lawmakers Pushing an Even More Restrictive Abortion Bill than Texas' New Ban (2021年11月)

《威尼斯人博彩》, 引用 美国如何.S. Fails to Take Away Guns from Domestic Abusers: 'These Deaths are Preventable (2021年10月)

揭示新闻, 引用 How American Gun Laws are Failing Domestic Violence Victims (2021年10月)

断层线采访中, Banned from Having a Gun, He Killed her with One Anyway (2021年10月)

谱的新闻采访中, SMU Law Professor Says Legal System is 'Changing Before Students' Eyes (2021年9月)

沃斯堡星报采访中, 她的家人逃离了伊拉克的暴力. Now This Woman Helps Other Refugees in Fort Worth (2021年7月)

CBS DFW采访中, 法律和政策专家对政府的反应. 阿博特的边境安全计划 (2021年6月)

KRGV5新闻采访中, North Texas Law Professor Expects Biden Administration to Sue Texas to Block States' Border Wall (2021年6月)

The Hill,Op-ed, Dallas “Decompression Center” Can't Become Another Prison for Migrant Youth (2021年3月)

《威尼斯人娱乐城》, Op-ed, Survivors of Sex Trafficking are not Criminals (2021年1月)

《威尼斯人娱乐城》, quoted in North Texas Leads the Way in Seeking 金融 Restitution for the Victims of Sex Traffickers (2020年9月)