
新加坡管理大学考克斯分校的录取是非常挑剔的. 就像你在考克斯商学院投资你的未来一样, we invest in our future by admitting only the top applicants to become members of the SMU Cox community. 我们寻求具备以下品质和特点的候选人:

  • A strong potential for success in today's global business environment (based on demonstrated success from a results oriented resume)
  • 具备分析能力
  • 领导经验
  • 人际关系及沟通技巧
  • 对商业领域的个人承诺和动力
  • Outstanding academic achievement and potential (we require a baccalaureate from an accredited college or university around the world)


If you are ready to submit your application, please do not wait for a specific deadline. 我们将在您的申请提交后处理.

2023 - 2024年截止日期
(晚上11:59 CST)
决定了 入学通知书到期
1* 2023年8月8日 2023年9月22日 2023年10月19日
2* 2023年10月3日 2023年11月17日 2023年12月14日
3* 2024年1月3日 2024年2月23日 2024年3月21日
4 2024年2月27日 2024年4月5日 入院后两周


If you are ready to submit your application, please do not wait for a specific deadline. 我们将按收到申请的先后顺序处理. 你填妥的申请表必须包含以下内容:
  • 网上申请(不收取申请费)
  • 专业的简历
  • 论文
  • 可选的GMAT, GRE或EA考试成绩,最近五年内参加*
  • Unofficial transcripts (required baccalaureate from an accredited college or university) where you've received 12 or more undergraduate or graduate credit hours (official transcripts required at admission)
  • 两份专业推荐信(只写姓名和威尼斯人娱乐城,不写字母)
  • 托福/雅思成绩可选(仅限国际申请者)

2024年入学条件, SMU Cox will continue a test-optional policy for all MBA and Specialized Masters programs. 为了考试的好处, 点击这里了解更多.



  • 网上申请(不收取申请费)
  • 专业的简历
  • 论文
  • 可选的GMAT, GRE或EA考试成绩,近五年内参加
    • *适用于2023年入学条款, SMU Cox will continue a test-optional policy for all MBA and Specialized Masters programs. 为了考试的好处, 点击这里了解更多.
  • Unofficial transcripts (required from any college or university where you attempted 12 or more credit hours)
  • 两份专业推荐信(只写姓名和威尼斯人娱乐城,不写字母)
  • 托福/雅思成绩(仅限国际申请者)* 2023年入学条件可选
  • 面试,只接受邀请


*SMU Cox accepts unofficial copies of scores and transcripts in the application for evaluative purposes. 他被考克斯录取了, 你需要提交官方的GMAT/GRE成绩, 托福/雅思/PTE官方成绩(仅限国际申请者), 提交入学保证金后30天内的正式成绩单. Cox reserves the right to rescind an offer of admission should any misrepresentation occur.


Candidates are required to have a minimum of two years of full-time work experience; however, most admitted students have between three and six years of work experience after completing their bachelor's degrees. We strongly recommend you accurately highlight your key accomplishments in your resume and discuss your career progression in your essays. Most admitted students have work experience in which they have demonstrated the ability to work in teams, 解决问题, 解决冲突, 管理人员, 项目, 和预算. Please note your progression within a company as well as the responsibilities you have on a daily basis.


Your resume outlines your career progression and highlights significant accomplishments. It demonstrates that you can communicate with brevity in another business-oriented format. Take some time to think about and write down some of the key "wins" or accomplishments you've had in each role. 在可能的情况下,使用这个列表来创建你的要点, quantify your achievements rather than letting your resume simply be a regurgitation of your job description. 我们需要一页纸, results-oriented resume that shows the impact you have had on the various organizations you have worked for. 你应该突出你的工作经历、课外活动和教育背景.


The MBA 招生 Committee uses your essays to evaluate several aspects of your candidacy. 第一个, your essays tell us a great deal about your career aspirations and what has shaped your life to this point. 其次,你的文章经常揭示你的优点和缺点. 最后,你的文章展示了你的书面沟通能力. 一定要花时间思考并仔细构思你的论文回答.


全日制一年制MBA, J.D./MBA,工程硕士/MBA候选人

新大考克斯是一个重视团队合作的紧密社区. Our students are put in study groups within their cohort to build leadership and collaboration skills. 你希望你的学习小组了解你的哪五件事? (500字以内)

  • 你毕业后的短期职业目标是什么(包括目标行业), 部门, 和/或组织)和你的长期目标? (100字以内)

如果你在上一个录取周期后重新申请同一个项目, 你需要提交以下额外的文章.

讨论自上次申请以来,你做了什么来加强你的候选资格? (250字以内)

考生经常会问他们是否应该使用自选作文. If you have a unique experience to share with us that is not reflected elsewhere in your application, 或者如果你有工作空档期, 学术问题或其他你想解决的问题, 你应该利用提交一篇可选文章的机会. We strongly suggest you identify any issues upfront and address them here rather than wait and disclose them in person. 如果这些情况都不属于你, 请不要感到压力,提交补充文章只是为了填补空白.


和往常一样,一定要校对你的作品的拼写和语法. 如果你申请了不止一所学校, 一定要仔细检查你提到的特定学校的地方. Every year, we receive at least one application that discusses the merits of another MBA program! 有这些错误的文章反映了对细节缺乏关注.

考生经常会问他们是否应该使用自选作文. If you have a unique experience to share with us that is not reflected elsewhere in your application, 或者如果你有工作空档期, 学术问题或其他你想解决的问题, 你应该利用提交一篇可选文章的机会. We strongly suggest you identify any issues upfront and address them here rather than wait and disclose them in person. 如果这些情况都不属于你, 请不要感到压力,提交补充文章只是为了填补空白.


我们入学需要一个完整的本科学位. 我们发现我们的学生来自各种各样的教育背景, 也可以包括之前的研究生学位.

我们将全面评估本科和研究生成绩单, 对于所有你尝试过12学时或以上的院校, 了解你的教育经历.  我们会看看你上了什么类型的课,你的成绩如何. 我们不要求任何特定的课程作为先决条件, 但我希望看到学生做一些量化的课程.

如果你的学位不是在美国获得的, you should apply with the equivalent type of degree; if you are unsure if your degree qualifies please work with an evaluation service for an assessment. 如果你的原始成绩单不是由你的大学用英语签发的, a certified translation will be required along with the original document in the school's official language. For students who attended an international institution - please note that we do accept the 3-year undergraduate degree as equivalent.

您将在您的在线申请中附上非官方成绩单. 如果你被录取的话, you will need to submit official transcripts and test scores as a term of your enrollment


2023年入学条件, SMU Cox will continue a test-optional policy for all MBA and Specialized Masters programs. 为了考试的好处, 点击这里了解更多


新大考克斯接受EA、GRE和GMAT成绩. The 招生 Committee will focus on your highest total score as we review your overall candidacy. 招生委员会对你参加哪一种考试没有偏好, 所以我们鼓励你参加能让你表现最好的考试. 请记住,有些职业和行业确实更喜欢一种考试, 所以如果你对应该参加哪门考试有疑问, 你可以联系招生小组 mbainfo@jbzhaoming.com.


Students whose native language is not English may choose to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). 托福成绩有效期为两年. 我们的托福机构代码是6660.


如果你的成绩报告超过两年,它将不再有效. 除了上面列出的成绩,我们不接受任何其他成绩报告.


The Cox MBA 招生 Committee does not require applicants to submit letters of recommendation. 而不是, we ask you to submit the names (with applicable contact information) of two people who could serve as professional references if needed during the review process. We will only contact those individuals if we have questions about your background that are otherwise not answered in your resume and essays. We will only contact references after notifying you so you can give your reference advance notice that we will be contacting them. 最好的推荐人是那些在专业能力上了解你的人, 比如现任或前任上司. 


一旦你的申请完成, 提交, 和审查, 招生委员会可能会向你发出面试邀请. We use the interview to get to know you and learn more about your background before making a final decision, 这意味着它是评估入学候选人的重要组成部分. Personal interaction gives you the opportunity to present key aspects of your background, 个性, 职业抱负不容易用文字表达. 这也给了我们一个机会来听听你的职业目标, 你为什么想读MBA, 以及你如何相信考克斯学位会对你的职业生涯有所帮助.

The SMU Cox Full-Time MBA项目 utilize a two-round interview process by invitation only. 第一轮面试将由招生团队的一名成员进行. As SMU Cox believes that the Career Management Center (CMC) is also an important stakeholder in your MBA journey, 你可能会被邀请参加第二轮面试,面试对象是中央管理委员会的一名成员. All interviews may be conducted virtually or in-person and generally last between 30-45 minutes.