2022 - 2023通讯

2022年秋季. 问题7.



欢迎阅读我们的《威尼斯人娱乐城》年度通讯第七期. 过去的一年见证了山顶逐渐回归“正常”,或者至少是一种新常态. 当然, 这并不意味着大流行已经结束, 这也不意味着对学生没有持久的影响, 工作人员, 以及改变我们共同前进方式的教师. 在某种程度上,每个人都在忙活着. 每个人都在尽自己最大的努力.

In fact, this past year has reminded me of a scene in one of the funniest movies of all time, Fletch.


尽管这些“木炭”时代, 已经取得了一些成就, 改变, 以及新大经济学的进步. Perhaps our greatest accomplishment has been a return to happiness in the department and the classroom, 与学生, 工作人员, 教师们在现实生活中享受彼此的陪伴, 不是虚拟的. 走廊和办公室里的笑声和谈话声, 还有教室里智力讨论的声音, 不断提醒我在大学校园里的快乐.

的 passion of our faculty and their commitment to SMU’s mission to shape world 改变rs was on full display this year. Dr. 伊丽莎白·惠顿, 系高级讲师,著有《威尼斯人博彩》一书, 首席调查员成功了吗 $1.187格兰特 来自美国.S. 司法部支持新大人口贩运项目. 部分描述的奖项状态(见 http://nij.ojp.gov/funding/awards/15pnij-22-gk-00246-brnd):

“Southern Methodist University’s (SMU) Human Trafficking Project directly addresses the deficiencies in data collection and analysis and in the collaboration of expertise needed to ensure data efficacy and complete effective human trafficking research. 该项目将建设新大人口贩运数据仓库... 研究将确定经济与人口贩运之间的联系, 对人口贩卖无所作为的代价, 人口贩运数据的时空格局和结果差异, and how to extract and complete human trafficking datasets using the integration of human-in-the-loop machine learning via human computation 游戏… 的 Data Warehouse will be available to stakeholders with existing sources of human trafficking data as well as organizations and individuals involved in anti-trafficking work who are interested in collecting data... 新大独特的协作环境允许经济学, 信息技术, 游戏, 公共政策, 法律, 教育, 神学, 和其他学科一起解决世界问题.”

不甘落后, the remainder of our outstanding faculty continue to be engaged in cutting edge research and publish regularly in top academic journals. 他们也继续得到重要的专业认可. 教授 克劳斯Desmet的 research on the unequal spatial impact of climate 改变 was featured in the National Bureau of Economic 研究 (NBER) Digest. 教授 Desmet’s research on using data from 脸谱网 to compare the preferences of men and women in more gender-equal societies was featured recently in an article on VoxEU 以及VoxTalk播客.

教授 董浩和金宇坤 获得大学研究委员会资助. 教授 Dong’s funded research project develops a new nonparametric method to empirically test the so-called permanent income hypothesis even though “permanent” income is not observed in the data.

教授 Kim’s funded research project studies college 招生 decisions among Texas high school 学生 with the goal of providing policy recommendations for achievement of the 60x30TX strategic plan. One goal of the plan is for 60% of the Texas population aged 25-34 to have a certificate or degree from an institution of higher 教育. 至于我自己,我收到了2022 戴德曼家族杰出教授奖 对此我深表感激.

In the (physical) classroom, instructors have embraced the return to full-time, in-person classes. 然而, the department has used time during the pandemic to improve the quality of our in-class instruction. Drs. Wheaton and Mea Ahlberg have led a year-long investigation into student experiences in our introductory undergraduate courses, 微观经济学原理和宏观经济学原理, 作为教务长SMU-in-Four计划的一部分. 他们建议的改变将从今年秋天开始进入课堂.

除了在课堂上提高整体教学质量, 该系还致力于扩大经济学的多样性和包容性. 为此, Drs. 惠顿和阿尔伯格 被邀请参加巴黎圣母院包容性教学学院. 的 event covered ways to enhance inclusive teaching through hands-on workshops and interaction with other like-minded colleagues and speakers.

SMƱRM-Economics (SMU Underrepresented Minorities 程序 in Economics) also continues to grow under the leadership of 教授 Rocio Madera and Ömer Özak. 该项目定期举办活动,帮助学生更好地了解经济学专业, 包括读研的可能性, 为学生提供实习和研究机会, 并与新大校友建立联系. 在过去的一年里,我们举办了两场活动. 首先,博士. 桑德拉Orozco-Aleman, 他是美国拉美裔经济学家协会主席, 访问了新大,与学生和教职员工交谈. 第二个, we teamed up with the Business Leadership Society in the College of Business at UT-El Paso for a virtual event. 两组学生进行了互动, 我们了解到他们对学生的指导, 包括许多西班牙裔和第一代大学生. 随时了解即将到来的编程活动, 关注我们的推特账号(@SMURM_Economics),并加入我们的邮件列表 smurm@list.jbzhaoming.com.

经济学仍然是戴德曼学院最受欢迎的专业. 在2021-22学年,185名学生获得了经济学学士学位. 目前有近400名野马族成员宣布主修经济学或公共政策, 经济学和政治学相结合的课程. 目前有近100名野马族成员宣布辅修经济学.

Our May 2022 graduates continued to demonstrate impressive performance in initial job placements. Exit surveys of Economics graduates stress the ability of economics to help one understand many diverse facets of the world, 从国际贸易到侵犯人权,从地方机构到数据分析. 此外,我们的一些毕业生写道:

  • “我在经济系有一段奇妙的经历. 师资队伍绝对是这个专业与众不同的地方!"
  • “作为一名经济学专业的学生,我真的很享受在这里的时光. 我对我的经历非常满意,迫不及待地想看看我能走多远.”
  • “我很高兴能成为这个系的毕业生.”

我们的研究生课程继续吸引着来自世界各地的学生. 2021-22学年有13名研究生毕业. 数据分析技能, 严格的经济建模, and econometric tools enable our graduates to find rewarding professional jobs in financial and economics consultancy firms as well as other organizations. 此外, 我们还宣布了4+1计划, enabling qualified SMU undergraduates to complete their undergraduate and master’s degrees in only five years. Interested 学生 should consult with the department’s undergraduate advisor early on to ensure proper planning!

Our doctoral program continues to be one of the most highly ranked on campus and graduates of the program play a crucial role in improving the visibility and academic reputation of SMU. 七名新学生加入了我们的博士.D. 2022年计划. Two 学生 graduated with their doctorate in 2022 despite the challenges of conducting research during the pandemic. Dr. Aastha Gupta现在是西伊利诺伊大学的经济学助理教授. Dr. 刘丁是达拉斯分析集团的一名助理.

布什研究所-新大经济增长计划 尽管一些活动因大流行而暂停,但仍继续蓬勃发展. 的 joint initiative continues to support research on important domestic and international economic policy topics through fellowships for doctoral 学生, 教师资助, 科研成果全国宣传. We look forward to restarting the visiting fellows program that brings prominent policy experts to SMU in 2023. 三个Ph值.D. 学生目前是作为布什研究员获得资助的.

最后是一些人事方面的消息! 正如我在去年的时事通讯中提到的, 我们的本科指导老师, 玛丽亚Meki, 我们的研究生导师, 斯蒂芬妮·霍尔, 当他们各自进入人生重要的新篇章时,他们离开了自己的岗位. 然而, the department has not skipped a beat as Alyssa (Munk) Wong and 莱西 Breaux have stepped into the roles. Alyssa quickly got up to speed and provides excellent advising to more than 500 undergraduate Mustangs studying economics at any point in time, 以及帮助安排日程, 招生, 毕业, 和更多的. 莱西, 来自新大物理系的同学, recently completed her master’s degree from the Simmons School at SMU in Higher Education/Higher Education Leadership and thus brings a wealth of experience and knowledge. 她很快就成为了研究生项目的代言人, 为我们的硕士和博士提供前台和幕后的基本服务.D. 学生. 欢迎你们,Alyssa和莱西!

该系还聘请了一位新的终身教职助理教授 Dr. Alipio费雷拉. Dr. 费雷拉完成了博士学位.D. 2022年在法国图卢兹经济学院获得经济学学士学位. He will join the department in Fall 2023 after spending the current year as a postdoctoral research fellow at J-PAL King Climate Action Initiative based at PUC-Rio de Janeiro. Dr. 费雷拉从事环境经济学和公共财政方面的研究. 他将在新加坡管理大学教授同样领域的课程.

但是,我们也在说再见的过程中. 教授 巴特拉 会在本学年结束时退休吗. 巴特拉教授专门研究宏观经济学和国际贸易. 他于1973年来到新加坡管理大学. 我们祝他好运。!

 高等教育目前正处于“炭色”时期. We continue to make sense of what has been over the past few years and what will be as we move forward. 我邀请您浏览这篇时事通讯,了解更多关于我们如何向前发展的信息. 感谢您与我们保持联系.

