

通过新大的教育硕士课程提升您的教学生涯. 获得关键领域的专业技能,如ESL, STEM, 特殊教育, 城市教育和扫盲,成为优秀教育的领导者. 今天就开始你的教学之旅,把你对教学的热情转化为专业知识.



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(U.S. News & 世界报道 2024)


(U.S. News & 世界报道 2024)



开启教育变革之旅, 可以考虑新加坡管理大学的教育硕士课程, 专为立志要有所作为的有抱负的教育工作者而设计. 灵活的ESL专业课程, 特殊教育和城市教育, 我们的课程是为了适应您的职业目标和时间表而设计的. 深入学习将理论知识与实际应用相结合的课程, 准备您以创新的解决方案迎接今天的教育挑战.

通过请求信息, you take the first step towards enhancing your educational expertise and leadership skills. This program not only focuses on improving your teaching techniques but also equips you with the tools to influence positive change in educational settings. Connect with a community of dedicated educators and start shaping the future of education today. Unlock exclusive insights into our program and discover how SMU can help elevate your teaching career to new heights.


而我们的硕士学位课程包含各种专业, we also offer nondegree specialization and certification preparation programs that are designed to satisfy the State Board for Educator Certification’s requirements in specific educational areas. The additional specialization training prepares teachers for the respective certification exams; all SBEC certifications require that a candidate pass a state test.

这些高级证书附在标准教师证书上, 作为获得研究生证书的先决条件, 候选人必须已持有学士学位和初始教学证书. 这个学位课程的目标是在两年内完成. 研究生学位的所有课程要求必须在六年内完成.


城市学校的特点是社会、文化、政策和经济上的差异. 因此, these schools manage higher rates of culturally and linguistically diverse students; poverty; teacher, student, and administrator mobility issues; arbitrary discipline practices; disproportionate 特殊教育 placement; immigrants; and incommensurate resources. 这种困境创造了一种环境,特定的教学工具, 策略, 促进教育也需要资源. The 城市教育 specialization provides prospective and in-service teachers with an understanding of social, cultural, policy, 以及经济不平等,并让他们具备消除不平等的技能. 

The M.Ed. is a 36-credit hour degree with 24 hours of electives designed to promote specialization selection. The 城市教育 specialization is 12-credit hours of coursework that prepares students to effectively teach in urban schools. 注册本专业的学生将:

  • 从教育政策的角度探讨城市教育的历史背景.
  • 分析与城市学校公平和卓越相关的法律规定.
  • Investigate local and national changing demographics and its implications for policy and urban classrooms.
  • Analyze societal biases that can lead to inequitable policy, and thereby classroom experiences.
  • Examine how culturally responsive curricula increase student outcomes and enhance teacher-student relationships.
  • Design classroom curricula that underscore the essence of students’ socio-cultural context.
  • 采用有意义的课堂和行为管理方法.

The ESL specialization is for practicing educators interested in working with ESL populations. Graduates are prepared to take the TExES (Texas Examination for Educator Standards) 英语作为第二语言(ESL) supplemental certification exam, 一个合格的分数,使他们有资格与ESL学生群体合作. 该项目的课程可以申请新大的硕士学位.Ed. degree.

The Bilingual specialization is designed for teachers who work with students who do not speak English as their native language. Students who succeed in this four-course sequence are qualified to take the TExES (Texas Examination for Educator Standards) supplemental certification exam in bilingual education, a passing score on which qualifies them to work with students who do not speak English as their native language. 该项目的课程可以申请新大的硕士学位.Ed. degree.

The 特殊教育 specialization is for practicing educators interested in working with students with special needs. Content mastery equips graduates to work with special-needs students; they are able to employ evidence-based practices, 监测对干预的反应, 根据评估的需求进行个性化干预, 了解特殊教育法律和政策, 提供积极的行为支持, 与有特殊需要的人的同事和家人合作. 该项目的课程可以申请新大的硕士学位.Ed. degree.

The 数学 specialization is for practicing educators who wish to advance their content knowledge or pedagogical skills for the purpose of teaching mathematics. Those who successfully complete the 4-course sequence will have to the skills and knowledge to model effective mathematics instruction, 将循证研究转化为课堂教学, 区分不同的学习者, 灌输创造性的解决问题的方法. 该计划的课程可以应用于新大的硕士课程.Ed. degree.

The 读写能力的研究 specialization is ideal for teachers who desire to advance their knowledge of literacy instruction and assessment specifically for early literacy and late literacy and for those who desire to pursue Reading Specialist certification. 那些成功完成课程的人将成为更有效的教师, 提高学生读写能力. 该项目的课程可以申请新大的硕士学位.Ed. degree.

The STEM specialization is designed for practicing educators who wish to advance their content knowledge or pedagogical skills for the purpose of teaching science, 技术, 工程, 以及数学内容. Those who successfully complete the program are equipped to be more effective STEM educators. 该项目的课程可以申请新大的硕士学位.Ed. degree.

The 教育诊断专家 specialization  is designed for practicing educators who who desire to possess the critical knowledge and skills to identify and make a positive impact on the individual learning needs of students. Those who successfully complete the program will be able to apply their advanced knowledge of assessment and instruction to improve the outcomes of students with special learning needs. 成功完成该项目后,作为硕士学位的一部分.Ed. 学位,候选人将有资格获得德州教育诊断师证书.

The 学习治疗 specialization is ideal for individuals interested in working with children or adults who have dyslexia or related language learning disorders. Those who successfully complete the specialization are qualified to take the Alliance National Registration Exam for Multisensory Structured Language Education at the therapy level, a passing score on which qualifies the individual for membership in ALTA as a Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT). 该项目的课程可以申请新大的硕士学位.Ed. degree.

SMU Simmons:全美排名前11位的私立研究生院之一.

(U.S. News & 世界报道 2024)