


希勒尔Bavli他的新文章《威尼斯人娱乐城》(Character Evidence as a Conduit for Implicit Bias),刊登在美国《威尼斯人娱乐城》杂志56页.C. 戴维斯L. 牧师. (即将到来的2022/23), has been selected for presentation at 哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福青年教师论坛. 今年夏天, he is scheduled to present the article at Vanderbilt Law School’s Evidence Summer Workshop, 哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福青年教师论坛, 以及伯克利比较平等中心的年度会议 & 反歧视law.

安德鲁•戴维斯, 迪森中心的, was a panelist at the 2022 ABA Public Defense Summit on April 21st where the topic was “Finding and Retaining Qualified Counsel.作为贫困防御研究协会(IDRA)的主席, 他于4月28日和29日主持了IDRA春季2022虚拟会议. 在IDRA会议期间, 安德鲁•戴维斯, 布莱恩斯基尔斯, Janelle Gursoy (student) and Alex Romo (student) 迪森中心的 presented a paper on April 28th titled “Getting Gideon Right: Eligibility for Appointed Counsel in Texas Misdemeanor Cases.这次会议由迪森刑事司法改革中心主办.

贝弗利C. Dureus was a featured speaker for “The Women of Color Collective and the Power of Narratives 研究 Cluster”, 并提出了一个跨宗教的谈话,她讨论了其他问题, 妇女在law和信仰的交叉点, law, and religion; she was selected as “Blackulty of the Year 2022” by the 戴德曼法学院 Black Law 学生 Association for her “service to the 戴德曼法学院 and the Black Law 学生 Association,” and was honored at BLSA’s Year End Banquet where the Dallas District Attorney John Creuzot was the featured guest speaker; she will be the Baccalaureate Key Note Speaker for the Duncanville High School Graduating Class of 2022. Beverly will also be a faculty presenter at the Sidley Law Advantage Program 2022 this summer, 教授law研究和写作. 最后, she has accepted the invitation to become a member of The National Black Lawyers - Top 100, 一个由非裔美国律师组成的全国精英网络. 她的入选是基于她在德克萨斯州的law成就和职业声誉.

乔安娜·格罗斯曼 had her new book The Walled Garden: Law and Privacy in Modern Society (2022) (with Lawrence M. 弗里德曼)发表.

克里斯托弗·汉娜文章U.S. 国际税收政策和美国公司, 已被《威尼斯人博彩》第48卷接受发表, 由爱荷华大学法学院出版.

克里斯•詹金斯的文章, 乌克兰专题讨论会-乌克兰的全面司法和问责制 刊登在4月15日的《威尼斯人博彩》上.

汤姆Leatherbury 写了他的专栏 观点:不要让权威的观点决定我们的孩子应该读什么 刊登在4月7日的《威尼斯人娱乐城》上.

帕梅拉Metzger was a panelist at the 2022 ABA Public Defense Summit on April 22nd where the topic was “Ethical Potpourri.4月26日,她在迪森中心CJR研讨会上发表了演讲. 她发表了她的论文(她与杜兰大学的珍妮特·霍费尔合著),题目是 充电时间 将在《威尼斯人娱乐城》第108卷上发表的文章. She also moderated a panel at the Deason Center STAR Justice Series event on April 28th which was titled “Conflicts of Interest and Judicial Ethics in Rural Criminal Law.她与Janel Hoeffel合著的论文题为 充电时间 最近被列入了SSRN的十大下载列表的纠正 & 康复电子期刊和LSN:程序(刑事程序).

Seema Mohapatra 曾接受以下采访和引用:

  1. 国家对堕胎药的限制引发了新的law斗争,莉迪亚·惠勒,3月31日,彭博law;
  2. 随着大流行的消退,卫生工作者疫苗任务保持不变,艾莉·里德,3月21日,彭博law;
  3. 美国的流感疫苗问题也是下一个新冠病毒疫苗问题凯瑟琳·J. 吴,3月18日,大西洋.

她还出现在 Skimm这 关于杰克逊法官提名的播客. 她是以下节目的特邀主持人:

  1. 交集, 辅助生殖和生殖正义, 聚焦人权话语的交叉性, 华盛顿与李law评论劳拉·D. 天然气研讨会,林奇堡,弗吉尼亚州;
  2. Post Roe: 辅助生殖和生殖正义 at the Baby Markets Roundtable, 宾夕法尼亚大学凯里法学院, 费城, 宾西法尼亚.

他是反种族主义教学与实践会议的特邀主持人, law杂志, 医学, 和道德、卫生法和反种族主义研讨会, 宾夕法尼亚大学凯里法学院, 费城, 3月30日宾夕法尼亚州, 2022. She published Structural Discrimination in Pandemic Policy: Essential Protections for Essential Workers (with Abigail E. 洛和凯利·K. 《威尼斯人娱乐城》,第1卷. 第50期,第一期,2022年3月.

has been named a Contributing Expert on the Gender-Based Violence Panel for the new edition of Our Bodies Ourselves. 开创性的书, 最初出版于1970年, provides evidence-based information about girls’ and women’s reproductive health and sexuality. After 9 print editions (which sold 4 million copies and were translated into 31 languages), 这本书将搬到网上, as part of a collaboration with the Center for Health and Human Rights at Suffolk University. 娜塔莉还接受了以下采访: 美国职棒大联盟暂停特雷弗·鲍尔,新原告发声 在4月29日的华盛顿邮报和 U.S. 欢迎乌克兰难民,但不再通过墨西哥 4月21日Fox4新闻.

安娜Offit received the 2022 SMU Women in Law Distinguished Professor Award in recognition of excellence in teaching, 领导, 以及对法学院学生的支持. Anna was interviewed by WFAA 新闻 8 about the upcoming trial of Aaron Dean in Tarrant County. 她介绍了ABA模型规则8的应用研究.4(g) to the jury system as part of a CLE program for the North Texas Federal Criminal Law American Inn of Court. 安娜即将发表的文章 宗教信仰 出现在SSRN十大刑事诉讼、law论文名单中 & 宗教,以及三四月份的陪审团. She was invited by the Dallas Bar Association Equality Committee to participate in a panel discussing Isabel Wilkerson’s book, 种姓:我们不满的根源. Anna presented research on the Norwegian legal system as part of an SMU Law International Law Society event. She led sessions as part Admitted 学生 Day and as a Prelaw Scholars Course guest lecturer. Anna completed supervision of a Frisco Independence High School study of the relationship between mental health treatment and recidivism in Norwegian and American prisons and jails.

 led a discussion of definitional issues presented in the re-draft of the UCC at the UCC Subcommittee on Article 2 meeting on April 2nd, 作为2022年美国律师协会商业法春季会议的一部分. From April 6th – 9th, Carla participated in the ASIL annual meeting in Washington, D.C.,结束了她作为2022年ASIL计划委员会成员的服务. Carla presided over a virtual meeting of the Texas Work Group on Blockchain Matters on April 8th, 2022. 另外, Carla presented her paper Emerging Technology’s Language Wars: Cryptocurrency at the University of Wisconsin School of Law Conference on Law, law制度, 和技术变革, 2022. 这篇论文即将在《威尼斯人娱乐城》上发表 & 《威尼斯人博彩》, 《威尼斯人博彩》已经邀请发表一篇相关文章, 题为《威尼斯人博彩》. Both the article and the essay are part of a series of papers presenting the results of linguistic studies investigating the impact of interdisciplinary language conflicts on law-making related to emerging technology. 最后, 从4月25日到28日, 2022, Carla participated as an Expert Member in the meeting of the UNIDROIT Work Group on Best Practices for Effective Enforcement at UNIDROIT headquarters in Rome, 意大利. The Work Group is developing a best practices document to assist UNIDROIT member states in harmonizing their enforcement law and procedure. 4月29日, 2022, Carla spoke at the UNIDROIT-European Law Institute (ELI) Joint Conference on Digital Platforms and Global Law regarding the U.S. 统法协总部的平台监管方法.

 posted a piece based on his forthcoming law review article in The Journal of Corporation Law entitled To Call a Donkey a Racehorse: The Fiduciary Duty Misnomer in Corporate and Securities Law in the CLS Blue Sky Blog, Columbia Law School's Blog on Corporations and the Capital Markets. Marc was quoted or paraphrased in several articles addressing Elon Musk's takeover bid for Twitter, 包括以下内容:

  1. 埃隆·马斯克提出收购推特,艾弗拉特·利夫尼,4月14日,《威尼斯人娱乐城》;
  2. 关于马斯克收购Twitter的3个挥之不去的问题,汤姆·赞基,4月14日,Law360;
  3. 有争议的美国证券交易委员会提案将控制埃隆·马斯克等大股东4月7日,亚历克西斯·基南,雅虎!金融;
  4. 埃隆·马斯克有可能与美国证券交易委员会就晚公布的Twitter股份发生新的争执4月6日,福克斯商业新闻,梅根·亨尼;
  5. 特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克持有的Twitter股份将如何影响他与美国证券交易委员会的law纠纷亚历克西斯·基南,4月6日,雅虎!金融.