Frequently Asked Questions

Why was I admitted for the spring semester?

近年来, admission to SMU has become increasingly competitive, 被录取学生的学术水平在全国名列前茅. Because we have space limitations in our first-year class, we cannot make offers of admission to as many students as we would like.

How can I secure my spot in the 春天的入口 Program?

完成 春天的入口 Interest Form (link found in your spring entry offer letter). In early April, you will receive your Fall Experience Notification. If you have applied for financial aid, 在收到秋季体验通知后,您将收到您的经济援助包. 一旦你审查了所有必要的信息并准备好提交, 您必须在5月1日之前支付800美元的注册押金,以确保您在春季入学计划中的位置.

Do I have to pay a deposit?

是的, 在您收到您的跌倒经验通知并接受您的跌倒经验后, 您需要在5月1日之前提交所需的不可退还的800美元押金. 如果你已经收到了你的秋季体验通知,并且你已经准备好支付你的押金, 点击这里登录您的个性化状态页面,在线支付押金. If your parents or another party will be paying your deposit, you will need to log in to your account for them. 



Can I defer my spring enrollment to the next fall semester?

No, 不幸的是, 我们不能自动为你提供下一个秋季学期的保证录取. 学生可以作为转学生申请,并在申请过程中接受审查. 如果一个学生决定放弃这个春季录取通知,不注册新大, 学生将丧失之前支付的不可退还押金.

How 和 when can I secure housing for the spring semester?

新大春季入学的学生在春季学期和第二年都必须住校. 您将在10月份收到新大住宿部的电子邮件,其中包含如何申请住房的说明. In the meantime, you can learn more about SMU's Residential Commons 在这里.

What are the options for applying for need-based financial aid?

4月中旬,已完成春季入学兴趣表的学生将获得经济援助奖励函. 请记住,通过填写春季入学兴趣表,您只是表达了继续完成该过程的兴趣,并希望获得秋季体验选项. 填写春季入学兴趣表不是参加春季入学计划的承诺. Financial aid is not available for fall experiences. This includes fall experiences at our international partners.

Can I be considered for academic/merit scholarships?

所有学生都自动获得了新大的所有学术奖学金. 如果学生获得新大的奖励,将反映在他们的录取通知书上. 

Is t在这里 an orientation before I begin classes in January?

所有学生都必须在12月和1月参加新大的迎新活动,然后在春季开始新大的第一学期. This comprehensive orientation, completed virtually 和 in-person, helps you make a comfortable transition to university life at SMU. You will learn about academic requirements 和 expectations, campus resources 和 involvement opportunities, 和 have a chance to meet current students. 您还将与学术顾问一对一会面,并注册春季课程. 在秋天, 您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含更多重要信息以及如何以及何时注册的说明.

When will I register for my spring semester courses?


Will I have an academic advisor?

是的,你会有一个学术顾问,你会在虚拟指导中遇到他. 更多信息请参见上面的问题“在我一月份开始上课之前是否有一个新方向”.

如果我计划在秋季学期在社区大学上课或作为访问学生在另一所四年制大学*, 我如何知道我可以选修哪些课程,以确保它们符合新大的学位要求?

Please familiarize yourself with SMU's transfer credit guidelines found 在这里. 接下来,回顾 转移途径转移 Equivalency Guides to help ensure you register for courses that will transfer to SMU. After you have paid your deposit, if you need additional guidance, you will have access to one of our transfer student specialists.

*请记住,你不能以攻读学位的学生的身份进入四年制大学. You must enroll in a visiting student or continuing education program.


No, t在这里 is not a limit on the number of credits you can take; however, 你需要确保你所修的课程可以转到新大. 你可以 review which courses will transfer 在这里.


欢迎春季入学的学生在2025年秋季完成招生流程, should they meet the recruitment requirements. For more information, please contact Fraternity 和 Sorority Life.


是的, with nearly 200 student organizations on campus, t在这里 are many ways to get involved 和 meet other students. 你可以 browse the different options online now. 一旦你到达校园,你可以到位于休斯-特里格学生中心的学生活动办公室联系并参与.

在新大开始上课之前,我必须在其他地方上秋季学期的课吗? What are the other recommended options to pursue?

在新大开始上课之前,你不需要在秋季学期在其他地方上课, 但许多学生发现,这是一个很好的方式,可以让他们开始学习最终获得新大学位所需的课程. 点击这里 了解更多信息以及秋季学期的其他建议. *请注意,如果你希望在考克斯商学院攻读学位:有兴趣在大学一年级完成后申请商学院的学生, typically have completed at least 24 credit hours. If you enroll in another college or university prior to starting at SMU, 重要的是要记住,你的录取通知书取决于你的成绩在2分以上.5可转移GPA. Students who plan to go through the Greek Recruitment process at SMU, must complete at least 12 hours of coursework, 和 received above a 2.5 GPA during the fall semester prior to attending SMU.

Who can I contact for more information?

Please contact the 春天的入口 Program by calling 214-768-2058 or 发邮件