
What Is the Purpose Of 涅米中心's 奖学金计划?

通过涅米中心, paid fellowships have been created to provide undergraduate and graduate students opportunities to be involved in impactful and world-changing research. The fellowship program was designed to develop principled-leaders to drive positive change and growth in the global economy by working with the 乔治•布什(George W. Bush Institute, SMU 教师, 中心, and 研究院.


  • 获得资金以开展有影响力的工作, “real-world” research project during the academic year (10-20 hours per week).
  • Develop research skills in organizational settings by understanding how to conduct research:  identify the problem, 了解要收集哪些数据, 收集数据, 分析和解释数据, 连贯有效地呈现数据.
  • Lead with integrity through difficult and pressure-filled challenges.
  • Meet as a group throughout the year and network with academic and business leaders.
  • 将最终研究报告提交给涅米中心的工作人员, 新大考克斯迪恩, SMU教员, 和布什研究所代表.


小乔治. 布什研究所研究奖学金

小乔治. 布什总统中心 engages communities in the United States and around the world by developing leaders, 推进政策, and taking action to solve today’s most pressing challenges. 涅米中心 works with The Bush Institute to develop student research projects in all six of their major initiatives.

  • 经济增长 - Focuses on advocating free market policies to strengthen economic integration between the U.S.在北美的加拿大和墨西哥.
  • 教育改革 - Work to increase student achievement and quality schools for every child through efforts focused on accountability, 主要领导, 中学的转型.
  • 全球健康 -聚焦关键问题, 将组织, 企业, 和政府机构一起, and works to make existing health systems function efficiently.
  • 人类自由 – Works with freedom advocates to provide research on networking, 教育, and other opportunities in order to support the spread of freedom throughout the world.
  • 兵役倡议 - Honors the service and sacrifice of post-9/11 veterans and military families by bridging the civilian-military divide and fostering a successful transition and reintegration from military service to civilian life. 这包括战争的无形创伤.
  • 女性的主动性 - Designed to enhance the leadership skills of women around the world with an initial focus on women in the Middle East and North Africa. 第一夫人倡议, 是妇女倡议的一个分支, engages and supports First Ladies from around the world to effectively use their unique platforms to advance 教育, good health and economic opportunity for women and children worldwide.


涅米中心与新加坡管理大学的教职员工合作, 中心, and 研究院 to develop impactful student research projects to advance ongoing research.


听听一位前研究员的意见, 马特Berkau, about his research project with the 兵役倡议 at The Bush Institute and how it impacted his life.

Christopher Lu: Bush Institute 兵役倡议 (MSI)

Christopher Lu, Niemi研究员I have had the opportunity to take part in MSI’s wellness initiative, through which we are addressing the Invisible Wounds of War. I have been helping the MSI team to develop two documents: a fact sheet on post-traumatic stress (PTS) and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and a Call to Action to foster opportunities for everyone to recognize the issues facing injured warriors, 将他们与关怀联系起来, 并提供高质量的护理. Both of these were used to inform attendees and viewers of the Invictus Games Symposium on May 8, 2016.

Taking part in the Niemi Fellowship has been very interesting and challenging. I have enjoyed every day that I’ve been able to say that I get to go to work at the Bush Institute.

Meghann Bridgeman: Bush Institute 女性的主动性

I had the opportunity to evaluate the efficacy of the 女性的主动性 奖学金计划, which works to educate and empower women in the Middle East and North Africa. 我的工作丰富而有意义, ultimately exposing me to the many challenges that the Bush Institute faces when taking on such ambitious international work.

The fellowship culminated in a presentation of the things I had discovered in my data analysis that led to the discussion of possible tactics and solutions moving forward. It was wonderful to take part in that discussion and have exposure to the expertise of the Bush Institute staff members around the table.


Most fellowships start at the beginning of each semester; however, fellowship positions are posted as they come available and may start mid-semester. 通常, first year graduate students must wait until their second semester to apply for the fellowships. Undergraduates must wait until their Sophomore year to apply. You must be enrolled as a student to be eligible for the positions.


Please email your completed application and resume to niemicenter@jbzhaoming.com. Your information will be considered for the fellowships you are interested in and where you meet the minimum qualifications.

For further information, please contact the Niemi Center at 214-768-4125 or niemicenter@jbzhaoming.com.

****不要直接联系布什研究所. In order to be considered, applications MUST be sent to the Niemi Center. ***