Course equivalencies can be found using the Equivalency Course Tool. If you don't see a course listed, 这并不意味着它不能转让——只是新大还没有机会审查它. Please email questions about specific courses to Transfer Student Services. 请记住,新加坡管理大学接受地区认可的学院和大学的转学课程. Vocational and remedial courses are not transferable.

Once Undergraduate Admission receives a completed transfer application, 转学评估报告是根据你以前就读的学院和大学的成绩单创建的.  你的招生顾问会审查这份报告和你申请的其他材料,然后做出录取决定. 一旦被录取,这份转学评估报告将通过电子邮件发送给您,并张贴在您的邮箱中.SMU account.

Yes. Once you have found the course you intend to take using the Equivalency Course Tool,使用打印功能为您的记录打印等效的副本. Before enrolling in the course, however, 仔细阅读所有转学学分政策,确保你了解转学所需的分数和其他有关转学课程的政策.

If a course does not appear on an equivalency guide, 我们将在收到正式的大学成绩单后对课程进行评估.  If you are planning for a future transfer, email Transfer Student Services to ask if your course will transfer.

如果满足转学的所有其他要求,可以接受电子或混合(即部分电子或部分面对面)形式的课程.  对于继续就读新大的学生,请咨询你的学术记录办公室填写一份 Petition for Advanced Approval of Transfer Credit

Pre-matriculation means before enrolling as an official SMU student. Post-matriculation means after a student has officially enrolled at SMU. 学生的入学日期是他们在大学开始学习课程的日期.

新大为选择性大学先修课程(AP)和国际学士学位(IB)考试颁发学分. Credit is also awarded for The General Certificate of Education A-Level (United Kingdom), Baccalaureate(法国),The Abitur(德国)和意大利Maturita(意大利).

新大还为各种学科的院系考试颁发学分. 其他院校颁发的考试学分不会转到新大.

The credit by examination 大学注册办公室网站上的链接列出了这些考试的分数要求和学分.

Upon admission, 转学评估报告将通过电子邮件发送到您的新大电子邮件地址,该电子邮件地址在您被录取时分配.  Your admission portal has information on accessing your SMU email address.

如果转学评估报告上的课程收到NTCN(由于内容而不可转让)或NTPL(由于政策而不可转让)的评估,并且您认为它应该可转让, please email Transfer Student Services .


相应的课程由新大所属学校决定. A review of the course includes the course description, textbooks used, course objectives, assignments, number of credit hours, course prerequisites, and program quality. 


With a DART GoPass transit pass, 乘客可以乘坐公共汽车和铁路往返校园,公共交通既可靠又经济. 在你的日常通勤中使用DART公交卡,忘掉交通麻烦、燃油和停车费用!  Also, use your DART transit pass to get to your favorite shopping, 娱乐和旅游目的地,如北方公园购物中心等公共交通工具可轻松到达, Downtown Dallas, Love Field, DFW Airport, the American Airlines Center, the Dallas Arts District, the Dallas World Aquarium, the Dallas Zoo and many more fun and exciting locations.

Please contact us at IDcard@jbzhaoming.com or 214-768-7275 if you need any additional information or assistance.

Yes.  Check out the BIKE LEASE PROJECT. Lease a single speed bike for $20 a semester.

校园内的学生公寓是由住宿生活和学生公寓办公室安排的.  这些职位的需求量很大,每年要摇号两次才能进入空缺的等候名单.  Click here for more information.

There are many housing options around campus. Click here to find out more.

Students who live in nearby off-campus apartments can take the SMU Express, from nearby neighborhoods.  Click here 查看路线地图,一直延伸到埃姆斯伯里和西南林荫大道. 

新装修的休斯-特里格学生中心提供了许多舒适的放松场所, study, or meet friends between classes. 如果你需要租一个储物柜来存放你白天的物品, ask a librarian at the main desk in Fondren Library. Commuter transfer students are also affiliated with Ware Commons. If you'd like ID card access to study in Ware, please reach out to the Ware Residential Community Director.

There is no charge to see a nurse or doctor at SMU’s Dr. Bob Smith Health Center.  You are charged only if you need tests, an X-ray, or a prescription.  Click here for hours, services, and specialists.

新大1220是一个面向新大学生和校友的在线实习和就业网站, invitations to on-campus employer recruiting events, 和1:1的职业咨询预约,旨在帮助学生导航他们的实习和职业道路.  The Hegi Family Career Development Center also offers free services that can help you choose a major, write a resume, or prepare for an interview.  参观休斯-特里格学生中心主入口附近的中心,或致电214-768-2266.

There are actually ten of them and each library has a different atmosphere.  Click here for information on locations, hours, services, and research resources.   新大的主图书馆,方德伦图书馆,提供许多学习区域和私人房间,你可以预订.  There's even a Starbucks! Make an appointment with a librarian for a tour or for help with research. 

Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports offers everything from workout equipment to a pool to a climbing wall.  你可以参加瑜伽或动感单车课程,参加俱乐部运动,或者找一个校内团队.  学生免费,家庭成员最低收费. 

During academic advising and enrollment, 你的学术顾问会回答你所有关于你的学分如何转换成你的新大学位的问题.