Frequently Asked Questions

Applications for visiting students are accepted year-round, however, 请记住,您的申请必须在您希望注册的学期的第一天之前至少五个工作日收到.

A completed application includes the online application, $75 non-refundable application fee, 以及你所就读学校的正式成绩单和良好表现表格.


一旦你的申请被批准并被录取,你就有资格通过以下方式在线注册 my.SMU during open enrollment.

  1. Go to my.SMU and login using your student ID and password.
  2. Click on the "Manage Classes" tile.
  3. On the left-hand side of the Manage Classes page, click Enrollment.
  4. If you know the specific class number, type it in the Enter Class Nbr field then skip to Step 8.
  5. To search for a class, select the Class Search option then click Search.
  6. Enter your search terms, then click Search.
  7. A list of classes appears. 找到想要注册的部分后,单击 Select button for that section.
  8. 如果需要一个实验部分,请在提示时选择一个并单击 Next.
  9. The class will now be added to your shopping card. When you have finished adding classes, click Proceed to Step 2 of 3.
  10. Confirm that your selections are accurate, then click Finish Enrolling.
  11. 结果页面将通知您课程注册是否成功.

访问学生如果想参加新大没有完成的课程,必须威尼斯人娱乐城的办公室 for assistance enrolling in the course.

你可以在秋季和春季学期注册最多18个学分, 3 credit hours during JanTerm and MayTerm, and 7 credit hours per summer session.

Check the online academic calendars 关于学期日期以及其他重要的学期日期.

Tuition and fees are subject to change. For the most up-to-date tuition charges please visit the SMU Bursar’s website.

Visiting students are NOT eligible for financial aid or veterans’ benefits.

学费应在学期缴费截止日期晚上11点59分前缴纳, 如缴款到期日已过,则于登记当日缴交. Students can pay online in my.SMU 选择“金融账户”,然后点击页面左侧的“SMUpay”.Visit SMU Bursar's website 有关缴费日期及如何缴交学费的更详细说明.

如果你被新加坡管理大学拒绝录取,作为一年级学生或转学生, you are not eligible for admission as a visiting student.

An individual with an educational disciplinary history or criminal history will not necessarily be denied admission; however, 申请人必须在申请中披露其历史,并对其记录提供详细而诚实的解释. 所有材料都经过审查,并根据具体情况作出决定. These decisions are final. If your application is denied, your application fee will NOT be refunded.

未能披露和诚实解释现有记录可能导致申请被拒绝, an admission acceptance being revoked, 或者接受新大的司法程序,可能导致被学校开除.


如果你被新大的学位课程录取,任何完成的成绩单学分都可以申请学位. If you are accepted elsewhere, 您将需要与该机构核实信用的可转让性.

You will not need to reapply if you miss one semester. 如果你错过了两个完整的学期(不包括中间学期),你必须重新申请。.

Please apply directly through the Study Abroad Office. Visit the Study Abroad Office’s website for the application and more information.

高中学生不通过本科访问学生计划学习课程. 请联系Marilyn Swanson在安妮特考德威尔西蒙斯教育学院 & 请致电214-768-1010了解为高中生提供的课程信息.

如果你从高中毕业,并希望在进入大学之前参加课程, 你可以申请作为本科生访问学生上课. 如果你作为一年级学生被新大拒绝录取,你将不会被新大录取.

如果您是每学期注册9个或以上学分的国内学生或注册1个或以上学分的国际学生, you are required to have health insurance. 有关强制性健康保险的完整信息以及如何“放弃”或“选择”,’ please see the Health Center’s website.

身份证、停车许可证和交通信息可以在网站上找到 Parking and ID Card Services website 或到休斯-特里格学生中心的停车和身份证服务柜台办理.

Textbooks and supplies can be purchased at the SMU Bookstore located at the Barnes and Noble on Mockingbird Lane. Contact 214-768-2435 for more information.

Non-degree students are NOT eligible for on-campus housing.  作为外国交流计划的一部分,访问一个学期的国际学生可能会例外.

可以在添加/删除截止日期前添加或删除课程 my.SMU. 要查找学期的添加/删除截止日期,请查看 SMU’s academic calendar.

NOTE: Non-attendance does not drop you from a class.

如果你想在学期开始前取消所有课程, you can drop all but one class through my.SMU. 要放弃你的最后一节课,请联系本科生访问学生服务.

学生放弃他们目前就读的所有课程必须遵循 SMU’s Withdrawal Procedures.

Tuition reimbursements are handled by the Bursar’s Office. Please refer to their tuition refund schedule and policy for up-to-date information.

官方成绩单应该通过国家学生信息中心在线申请,或者使用学生中心 (click on Official Transcript/Verification) or the National Student Clearinghouse secure site.

Delivery options and transcript fees are found on the Registrar’s website.

NOTE: 成绩单请求不接受通过电话,邮件,电子邮件,或亲自.