
Southern Methodist University's 医疗保健协作研究生证书 and 冲突订婚 is a three-course cohort program designed for physicians, 护士, 管理专业人士, 人力资源专业人士或那些在未来看到医疗保健领导角色的人. The program provides leaders the opportunity to challenge their thinking in a constructive environment surrounded by peers and colleagues. We believe this is an ideal setting to increase and enhance conflict engagement and collaboration skills.


医疗环境的剧变已成为常态, 并将持续到可预见的未来. 其中包括病人和医生之间的冲突, 患者之间, 供应商, 和设施, 医护人员之间, 财务和行政人员之间, 研究人员和资助者之间, 在服务的社区和为他们服务的组织之间, 举几个例子. 另一方面, the healthcare leader with insight and equipped with new skills will be prepared to meet the challenges of this shifting environment.

While there are a number of ways to consider healthcare leadership in this climate of change, 我们的课程侧重于循证社会科学, 参与和协作技能, 神经科学基础, 情绪和社交智力, as well as an understanding of the fundamental concepts of conflict and how it escalates and de-escalates.


识别: Leaders in healthcare can enhance their conflict engagement skills by being able to recognize the classic constructive and destructive conflict models. Understanding the models empowers the leader to be able to consider the likely and predictable pattern of a conflict and how it can be resolved.

参与: 了解冲突和理解冲突的经典模型是一回事, 但能否建设性地参与冲突是另一回事. Constructive engagement skills can be learned by healthcare leaders to allow them to sustain through a conflict to resolution through productive dialogue and thoughtful decision making.

教练: Being able to become a conflict coach for different persons involved in healthcare can be complex. A thoughtful leader in healthcare today should be able to see through difficult conversations in many different topics and interests.

方便: 不管自主性如何, 状态, 或角色, being able to facilitate dialogue in conflict is a critical skill for modern healthcare leaders. Being able to engage diverse communities in healthcare and to stay with conflict as it emerges and progresses is a critical skill.

存在: 当今医疗保健领域的领导者正面临着复杂的挑战. Bringing an ethical and thoughtful balance to healthcare management is an important aspect of leading in healthcare.



本课程首先概述用于参与冲突的三种模式, 所有这些都直接适用于大多数医疗保健设置. First, participants will learn the “prevent, resolve, or contain model” for conflict engagement. 然后, participants will apply their understanding of conflict and consider the constructive and destructive conflict models. The course will provide engagement through simulated exercises, role plays and class discussion. 使用这些方法进行诊断思维, participants will then learn treatment strategies and tactics appropriate to the circumstances. 将特别注意病人的角色, 提供者和组织,特别强调病人.


医疗保健工作场所复杂且不断变化. 护理提供者个体承受的压力可能导致无数的冲突. 许多医疗保健组织都在努力争取提供者-管理机构的信任, 医生-护士关系, 患者满意度. 在本课程中, 参与者将探索具有挑战性的, 影响所有医疗保健利益相关者的高风险关系. 学生将专注于患者之间复杂和潜在的对抗性相互作用, 供应商, 和组织, 强调提供者的贡献. 具体问题,如欺凌, 倦怠, 破坏性行为, 非生产性的沟通, 抵制变革的问题将得到解决. 参与者将发展和使用从谈判中获得的一些技能, 中介, 便利化, 以及高管培训,以解决这些和其他关键的医疗冲突问题. 指定的阅读材料将辅以课堂练习和相关案例研究.


在医疗保健领导者现在和未来需要的所有能力中, 管理文化变革将是最重要的. 使用案例研究, 阅读, 评估和技能练习, this course will build on the previous classes and focus on building self-awareness and identifying ways to successfully interact with others, 应对变革的阻力, 并使自己的管理风格与环境和个人相适应. 除了, participants will learn the role Human Resources can play to help them facilitate change and align culture.

The ability to lead in healthcare organizations is a developed skill and requires self-awareness and training. 参与者将考虑患者, 以及供应商, but will focus a great deal of time on the organizational challenges of the changing healthcare landscape. Self-awareness work will lead to discussion on how participants interact with others and how to fit one’s management style to the task at hand. 通过从人力资源角度设计的特定角色扮演和练习, participants will learn to adapt the organizational culture and dynamic to address the healthcare workplace today and in the future.


John Potter,南威尼斯人娱乐城临床助理教授

John Potter, OD, MA是争议解决和冲突管理领域的活跃实践者. He has mediated more than 3,000 disputes with most of those occurring in the healthcare field. 此外,Dr。. Potter has worked with a number of organizations, both public and private, in conflict resolution. 他在印第安纳大学获得了验光博士学位, and his 争议解决文学硕士 from Southern Methodist University and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry, and a Distinguished Clinical Scholar at the State University of New York’s State College of Optometry. Dr. 《威尼斯人博彩》曾引用过波特的话, 《威尼斯人博彩》, 《威尼斯人娱乐城》, 以及其他国内和国际出版物.


医生, Healthcare Administrators and Nurses should apply for the cohort graduate specialization program. 除了, other types of healthcare professionals who see healthcare leadership roles in their future should consider applying as well.


The SMU 医疗保健协作研究生证书 and 冲突订婚 offers a flexible graduate program to fit even the busiest healthcare leader’s schedule. Each course in the three-course cohort program is conducted over two weekends (Friday-Sunday). A 学位计划和时间表样本 是否愿意协助策划. 


有关入学费用(学费),请访问 财务主管的网页. Participants agree to complete all three courses; however, participants will register and pay for each course during the registration period for the corresponding term.


要开始在线申请研究生课程,请访问我们的 马上申请 页面. 获得认可的高等教育机构颁发的学士学位. 也, you must submit official transcripts from all institutions of higher education previously attended.. 必须在提交申请时向新大支付不可退还的申请费.


如果您对该计划有任何疑问,请联系Breya White breyaw@jbzhaoming.com 或致电214-768-4513.