

Our group counseling service is a form of treatment that allows participants to learn about themselves and their relationships. It’s an ideal space to address personal difficulties because these are often shared by other members of the group.  Research shows that group therapy is one of the most effective and efficient methods for addressing concerns common to people seeking counseling services. 不仅小组参与者得到了极大的理解, 面对类似问题的人给予的支持和鼓励, 但他们也获得了不同的视角, 关于这些问题的想法和观点.  所有小组都在a区进行 秘密的方式,类似于个人咨询.


  • A significant benefit of group therapy includes not feeling as alone since others in the group will likely have experienced similar concerns. 大多数参与者, 虽然一开始有点担心, report that the group experience was helpful far beyond their expectations.
  • 团体咨询通常是一种理想的治疗选择. 在集体咨询的环境中, you may feel better understood because you are able to interact with people who are trying to manage issues or concerns similar to yours. 
  • Our groups provide a space for giving and receiving feedback and support, 允许您获得多个视角, 实践技能, 尝试新的行为, 并学习如何拥有更令人满意的关系.
  • Our support groups provide an atmosphere conducive to sharing your concerns with others whose lives are impacted by similar issues or concerns.
  • Our psychoeducational skills groups and workshops provide you with an opportunity to learn specific skills that are helpful for coping with your life challenges.
  • 所有小组都在a区进行 秘密的方式,类似于个人咨询.


A 旨在帮助您增进理解的三节课研讨会, knowledge, 以及有关焦虑的技能.  The Anxiety Toolbox uses a cognitive behavioral framework to help you recognize and manage symptoms you may be experiencing.  The goal of the Anxiety Toolbox is to provide you with life-long tools you can use while facing anxiety-provoking situations.


Remember, this intervention is not intended to “get rid of” your anxiety.  While occasionally unpleasant, some anxiety can actually be helpful and motivating.  Our hope is that these three seminars provide you with a jumping board from which you can integrate skills into your daily life in the service of reducing anxiety.



Day & Time


Tuesdays 4 pm

              2/08, 2/15, & 2/22


              2/16, 2/23, & 3/02


    4/13, 4/20, & 4/27           

Thursdays 3pm

    3/24, 3/31, & 4/07



根据需要,可以增加额外的时间.  If you are interested in participating but your schedule cannot accommodate these times, 请让我们知道.

黑人的声音很重要 is a virtual process/support group open to all Black-identified students, 不分国籍或种族/民族背景. 该集团从事安全, inviting, and authentic discussion around students' experiences as Black and African American students on the SMU campus, as well as affirms 种族主义的存在及其社会心理影响, 各种形式的边缘化, 以及影响黑人社区的系统性压迫. 

可能涉及的一些主题包括种族关系, 职业发展, 文化拨款, 在黑人社区约会, natural hair, 代码转换vs专业, 系统结构, 日常压力对健康的影响, etc. to name a few. Students are welcome to discuss all topics that are relevant to their experiences. 


欲了解更多信息,请联系t Amber Caldwell MA, LPC at caldwella@jbzhaoming.com.

作为研究生, balancing our personal and academic/professional lives can be stressful and challenging. Imagine what it might be like to live life more fully present and authentically. 正念是有意识地集中注意力, 在现在, 非, 对内心和外在生起的一切. Come join us in learning and experiencing various meditative practices.



欲了解更多信息,请联系julie Hobdy博士.D. at jhobdy@jbzhaoming.com or 214-768-2232.

If you are grieving the loss of a loved one or close friend, you are not alone. For some, grief can be incredibly challenging and thinking about having a conversation with others can feel like a monumental task. However, 有一个安全的空间和理解你的人分享你的经历, 学习新的应对技巧, 允许自己悲伤, 甚至感到一丝希望, 可以如此强大. The 悲伤和损失支持小组 is open to any SMU student who is working through a current or past loss. Group will be held weekly for one hour in hopes of providing a safe space to process through thoughts and feelings associated with these losses. 该小组将是一个开放的过程空间,注册将持续进行.

Are there some areas in your current or past relationships that you are hoping to improve? 你有没有想过煤气灯之类的东西, 沟通技巧, boundaries, 以及这些关系的其他接触点? The 健康关系组 is open to any SMU student who may be interested in improving their relationships. The group will provide a space for those in attendance to learn tips and strategies for successfully navigating relationships, 从同事那里获得支持和反馈, 并开始更好地理解核心信念, values, 生活平衡.


感兴趣的人可以给Dr. 亚伯·托马提斯 atomatis@jbzhaoming.com or Dr. 林赛·西费尔特 lseefeldt@jbzhaoming.com 预约会诊.

The 克服完美主义工作坊 is a four-session seminar designed to help increase your knowledge of perfectionism and how it differs from striving for excellence, 加深你对它如何影响人们的理解, and provides you with 12 different skills to help better manage unhealthy aspects of perfectionism.  The 克服完美主义工作坊 uses a cognitive behavioral framework to help you recognize and manage symptoms you may be experiencing related to perfectionism. 
Session #1: The first session provides an overview of what perfectionism is, 不同类型的完美主义, 完美主义是如何影响人们的, 这就是完美主义的循环.
Session #2: The second session focuses on skills designed to help you identify and challenge unhelpful perfectionist thinking.
Session #3: The third session teaches skills to help shift perfectionist behaviors, 提高自我价值的方法, 以及帮助你停止与他人比较的技能.
Session #4: The fourth session focuses on skills to help replace self-criticism with self-compassion and encourages self-care.


Day & Time


Tuesdays 4 pm

3/29, 4/04, 4/12, & 4/19


3/23, 3/30, 4/06, & 4/13


2/17, 2/24, 3/03, & 3/10

      Fridays 10 am

    2/11, 2/18, 2/25, & 3/04

该研讨会将在2021年秋季学期进行.  根据需要,可以增加额外的时间.  If you are interested in participating but your schedule cannot accommodate these times, 请让我们知道!

Description: We will be meeting on a weekly basis virtually to discuss common concerns among graduate and professional students, 比如完成你的论文和论文, 为毕业后的面试做准备, 处理部门政治, 平衡你的学术工作和你的课外生活, 以及应对骗子综合症.  如果你有兴趣加入这个小组,请联系Dr. 让晴美预约小组会诊. 



欲了解更多信息,请联系Yu Harumi博士.D. at yharumi@jbzhaoming.com or 214-768-3211.


Our 咨询服务 staff members are available for consultation with individual students and student groups with regard to developing and implementing workshops, seminars, 以及课堂演讲. Campus organizations may also use consultations services for assistance in needs assessment, goal setting, 以及员工发展和培训活动.

Individuals and groups interested in finding out more about our consultation/outreach services may contact the 咨询服务 at 214-768-2277.

