

定制学习经历 provide a roadmap to guide teams through those unpredictable sharp turns or rough roads. Each session is available in a tailored format for delivery to 你的团队, department or division.  Note that any of our regular Professional 发展 和 经理取向 Workshops may be customized 和 delivered to 你的团队, based on facilitator availability 和 the department bearing any associated costs; such as participant manuals, 评估, 等.

We will consult with you to underst和 your specific needs 和 concerns, 然后调整经验.e. design, delivery method, application 和 potential 评估) to best generate the desired results.

除了定制的学习经验, we are dedicated to providing our staff 和 faculty with innovative methods for improving productivity, 士气和客户满意度.  Our services are designed to enhance the performance of departments, 工作组, 个人雇员, 促进个人和团队的成就.  We facilitate our clients exploration of the dynamics involved in their systems 和 assist the people who work within those systems to create 和 maintain a balanced, 有效的工作环境.


  • 变更管理
  • 沟通
  • 战略规划
  • 团队建设
  • 视觉设置
  • 视觉便利


致力于提供最好的客户服务? 任务可能! 是互动的, three-hour custom facilitation that addresses customer service issues for in-tact 工作组. It combines the use of video scenarios (that specifically address higher education 和 the service issues potentially found on a campus) with both small 和 large group discussion 和 facilitation.参与者将:

  • Examine customer service from their own perspectives as customers 和 service providers using five factors that shape service quality
  • Identify the gap between service factor execution versus customers’ perceived service execution, 和,
  • 消除已发现差距的行动计划.


How much time do you spend in meetings 和 how much of that time is productive? Meetings that lack direction 和 focus are all too common. Declare independence from the drain 和 drudgery of rudderless meetings with this custom facilitation utilizing the award-winning program Meetings, 血腥的会议.

运用幽默和洞察力, John Cleese illustrates the essential skills that will ensure efficient, 有效的工作会议.


  • 提前计划会议
  • 准备详细的议程
  • Pre-notify与会者
  • 控制讨论
  • 总结和记录决策

Banish unproductive meetings from your department forever with Meetings, 血腥的会议.


Serious Creativity provides an intact team (functional or cross-functional work group) the opportunity to solve real business problems 和/or apply innovative thinking to current opportunities while learning the skills for future application on their own. Developing breakthrough ideas does not have to be the result of luck or a shotgun effort. Dr. 爱德华·德博诺的方法提供了一种深思熟虑的方法, systematic process that will result in innovative thinking. 这个过程将教会团队如何创造性地思考, 化问题为机遇, 寻找替代解决方案, 和 dramatically increase the number of new 和 practical ideas.

至关重要的谈话: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High

Could a conversation (or avoiding one) be keeping you from getting the results you need? 不管是什么问题——生产力低下还是衰退
quality to lack of teamwork or strained relationships–it’s likely that you’re experiencing the effects of a poorly held crucial conversation.

A crucial conversation is a discussion between two or more people where stakes are high, 众说纷纭, 情绪高涨. These conversations–when h和led poorly or ignored–cause teams 和 organizations to get less-than-desirable results. Put Vital Smarts award winning 至关重要的谈话 training approach to work for you, 你的团队, 你的组织, 一切都会变得更好.

The training teaches you how to achieve spirited dialogue at all levels in your organization; you’ll begin to surface the best ideas, 做出最高质量的决定, 然后以团结和承诺来执行你的决定. This training experience introduces a set of tools that builds alignment, 协议, 以及人际沟通.

Drive change for good throughout your organization, enabling you to:

• Resolve dis协议s—accurately address concerns by talking respectfully, 以一种安全的方式坦诚而有技巧地与某人交谈.
• Build acceptance rather than resistance—give 和 receive feedback in a way that enhances relationships 和 improves results.
•说话要有说服力, 而不是粗暴有效地谈论高风险, 情绪化和有争议的话题.
• Foster teamwork–get the right people involved in a way that ensures better decision-making 和 guarantees commitment 和 conviction.

了解更多电子邮件 DevelopU@jbzhaoming.com 或者打8-2194给玛丽·斯特尔.


Building a rich 和 lasting legacy is the dream of every leader whether their role has formal leadership responsibility or an individual contributor wanting to make a more significant difference. 当你解放内心的领袖, 你可以为自己创造非凡的事情, 那些跟随的人, 你身边的每个人.

通过这种多阶段的训练, you’ll have access to the resources that will help you discover where you want your leadership journey to take you 和 the tools for developing the skills you need to reach your destination 和 you will be able to:

  • 确定你的领导优势和劣势

  • Clarify 和 communicate your fundamental values 和 beliefs

  • Set the example for others by aligning your actions with shared values

  • 表达你对未来的想象

  • 激励他人分享共同的愿景

  • 寻找改变和提高的机会

  • Experiment with innovative ideas 和 learn from accompanying mistakes

  • 建立协作、团队合作和信任

  • 强化他人的超越能力

  • 认可他人的成就

  • Apply the lessons learned in the workshop to a current organizational challenge