Lead Your Team Through Change

Turn Uncertainly Into Opportunity

Change happens all the time. Yet, when faced with change, many organizations primarily focus on the process. Successful change takes more than that—it’s your people who make change happen.


And as people, we’re wired to react to change to survive, which can make change feel difficult or threatening. Successful leaders engage their people in change, making it feel less uncertain and more like an opportunity.


The good news is that while every change is unique, there’s a predictable pattern to change. Understanding this pattern and building the skills to navigate it successfully allows us to consciously determine how to best move forward – even in the most challenging stages.

Attend this workshop and learn how to:

  • Build individual confidence through a predictable pattern of change
  • Successfully lead people through the human reactions of change
  • Optimize any change-management process



Monday, October 30, 2023:    1-3:00 pm  Lead Yourself Through Change (virtual session)


Monday, November 6, 2023:  1-5:00pm   Lead Your Team Through Change (in-person session -
                                                                  HR Training Room, Expressway Tower #208

Facilitator: Mary Stall, HR-Organizational Effectiveness






Enroll Now via my.SMU>Learning and Development>Request Training Enrollment.  Use Course Number  "HRLTC".

Questions? Email DevelopU@jbzhaoming.com.

Updated Parking Information:

Please note that construction has begun on the new aquatics center to the east of Expressway Tower and which was previously a AUP parking lot  This space is no longer available for parking. 

Visitors to Expressway Tower must now park in the AUP lots W1, W2, W3 to the north of Expressway Tower as designated on this map:  http://lufxkr.jbzhaoming.com/-/media/Site/BusinessFinance/Campus-Services/ParkingAndCardServices/Campus-Parking-Map-2021-22.pdf?la=en

Note:  Those who park in the visitor parking spaces at Expressway Tower may be ticketed.