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迪伦的农民 has worked with the 席梦思床品公司 School of 教育 and Human Development at 南威尼斯人娱乐城 since 2009, originally serving as a research associate in the Institute for Evidence-Based 教育 and a Senior Program Manager at the 研究与评价中心. As the 战略伙伴关系助理主任 at CORE, Dylan focuses on developing client relationships with key community public school, 非营利和慈善合作伙伴. 除了, Dylan oversees a portfolio of research and evaluation projects, primarily focusing in the areas of early childhood education and after-school and summer programming. Past projects include the development of computer adaptive assessments, 集体影响评价, 程序开发, program feasibility and effectiveness studies, 项目反应理论, and concurrent and predictive validity studies.

自2013年加入CORE以来, Dylan has developed a passion for collaboration with community partners and leveraging partnership, 数据互操作, 法律基础设施, and formative evaluation to create systems for data-informed continuous improvement aimed at helping youth and families in underserved communities gain access to quality education and social-sector program services. 除了 to being a certified EC-6 classroom teacher, 她精通项目评估, 先进的定量研究方法, 仪器设计, 大规模数据收集, 数据库管理, and programming language for statistical data analysis. Dylan has a Master of 教育 (2011) and a B.S. in Sociology with a focus on Markets and Culture (2009) from 南威尼斯人娱乐城.


卡拉,Y., 农民,维. E.怀特,A.卡玛塔,A.胡笳尔,J.贝克,S. K. (2024). Examining the effects of prekindergarten to second grade classroom quality on early elementary achievement前面. 建造. 9:1370573. doi: 10.3389 / feduc.2024.1370573

贝克,年代.K.卡玛塔,A.怀特,A., 农民,维., & Nippert R. (2018). Using propensity score matching to estimate treatment effects of afterschool programs on third-grade reading outcomes. 社会心理学杂志,47(1),页.117-134.

农民,维.怀特,A., & 摩尔,T. (2017). 达拉斯课后学生成果项目. Presented at American Evaluation Association Conference, Washington, D.C

赖特,., 农民,维.兰,P., & 约翰R. (2017). Promoting Student Outcomes by Increasing Afterschool Site Quality. 未发表的白皮书.

赖特,.Zannou Y., 农民,维., & Rahim H. (2016). When to Use Which Design: A Description of Consultative, Developmental, Formative & Summative Approaches to Evaluating 教育al Initiatives. Presented at: American Evaluation Associate Conference, Atlanta, GA.

农民,维., & 赖特,. (2016). Utilizing CLASSTM to Improve Early Childhood Quality: A University-教育. 代理合作关系. Presented at: American Evaluation Associate Conference, Atlanta, GA.

贝克维.莫格娜,V.罗德里格斯,S; 农民,维, & 尤瓦诺夫,P (2016). Building the oral language of young Hispanic children through interactive read alouds and vocabulary games at preschool and at home. Journal of International Special Needs 教育, 19(2), pp.81-94.

赖特,., 农民,维. & Nippert N. (2015). The School Zone: A campus-community collective impact intervention to reduce education disparities using the interactive systems framework. Presented in Symposium entitled: Innovations in implementation science: Systems science methods community psychologists use to promote health and well-being in communities. At: Society for Community 研究 and Action Biennial Conference; June 2015, Lowell, MA.

赖特,., 农民,维.尼珀特,n.n.拉希姆,H., (2015). Development of The School Zone Interactive Systems Framework evaluation plan. In, Investigating a Complex Interactive Systems Model for Involving Communities 在教育. Presented at: American Evaluation Association Conference, Chicago, IL.

Zannou Y.怀特,A.尼珀特,n.n., & 农民,维. (2015). Providing and evaluating technical assistance within The School Zone. In, Building capacities in community organizations: lessons learned from three community psychologists. Presented at American Evaluation Association Conference, Chicago, IL.

赖特,., 农民,维.尼珀特,n.n., & Zannou Y. (2015). Investigating a complex interactive systems model for involving communities in education. Presented at American Evaluation Association Conference, Chicago, IL.

赖特,., 农民,维., & 约翰R. (审查). Promoting Student Outcomes by Increasing Afterschool Site Quality.