Anupama Shekar

Evaluation Manager

Center on Research and Evaluation

Anupama Shekar, Evaluation Consultant, CORE


Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison


Expressway Tower
6116 N. Central Expressway, Suite 400
Dallas 75206
Box 511


Dr. Anupama Shekar是研究与评估中心(CORE)的评估经理。. In her role, Anu参与社区倡议和专业发展计划的项目评估和研究. Her focus is on mixed-methods and qualitative methodologies. In her current work, 她对设计和使用混合方法和定性方法论方法感兴趣,以探索复杂性并理解发生在教育环境和社区内的行动和变化的细微差别. 她开发了调查和定性数据收集工具,并使用传统的编码方法和定性分析软件进行定性分析.

Prior to joining CORE, she worked as the Director for Evaluation at Teaching Trust in Dallas, Texas, an education leadership non-profit organization. 她还曾担任WIDA联盟的副研究员,WIDA联盟是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校威斯康星教育研究中心(WCER)的国家和国际12岁前语言发展和评估项目. 她研究和设计了一个针对幼儿双语学习者教育工作者的领导力培训项目,并为领导力培训撰写了文献综述, professional learning communities, and families. 她还为WIDA的早期教练项目开发了项目材料和评估工具.

She previously also served as a postdoctoral research associate in WIDA's Teaching & Learning Department. 她对WIDA的专业发展计划和倡议进行了评估,并支持发展, implement, and evaluate continuous improvement practices.

在WIDA任职期间以及攻读教育领导博士学位期间, 她帮助开发和评估了面向ELLs教育工作者的数据素养计划(LADDER). This project, funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition, 帮助联盟学校根据数据对他们的英语学习者做出决策. 她的论文确定了在美国低收入社区有效的校长领导和家长和家庭参与的做法.S. and India.

Prior to moving to the U.S, 她获得新闻学硕士学位,并在《威尼斯人娱乐城》(一份全国性主流报纸)担任纸媒记者,专注于南印度的公共教育政策问题. This is where her journey in education formally began. 这些故事对她产生了影响,促使她退出新闻业,申请到美国正式学习教育领导和政策.


Publications and Conferences

Cuellar, D., Shekar. A., Mancilla, L., Spalter. A(2020)宾夕法尼亚州多语言儿童:探索父母对儿童语言发展的看法, Family Engagement Practices, and Decision-making about EarlyCare and Education. Research Findings Report for the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Cuellar, D., Shekar. A., Mancilla, L., Spalter. A(2019)明尼苏达州的多语言儿童:探索父母对儿童语言发展的看法, Family Engagement Practices, and Decision-making about EarlyCare and Education. 明尼苏达州教育部门早期学习服务的研究结果报告.

Mancilla, L., Spalter. A., Cuellar, D., Shekar, A. (2019)马里兰州的多语儿童:探索父母对儿童语言发展的看法, Family Engagement Practices, and Decision-making about EarlyCare and Education. 研究结果报告为马里兰州教育部门幼儿部.

Shekar, A. (2019)提高发展评估定性方法的严谨性:从达拉斯青年妇女倡议研究中吸取的经验教训. Presented American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, MN.

Shekar, A., & Pierson, M. (2017):解开“为什么”:用定性数据协作编码的力量,提交给美国评估协会(AEA).

WIDA Consortium, Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER), 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校(2013):与人合作撰写了《威尼斯人娱乐城》书籍和手册,其中包括《威尼斯人娱乐城》, Leadership Team Materials and Coaching Materials published by the WIDA Consortium

WIDA Consortium, Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER), 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(2013):参与撰写了LADDER项目的开发,并为美国语言习得办公室(OELA)提供了里程碑式的资助.S. Department of Education; Washington D.C.

WIDA Consortium, Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER), 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(2012- 2013):为英语语言习得办公室(OELA)提供LADDER最终研究和评估报告的贡献者。.

WIDA Consortium, Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER), 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(2008- 2010):共同领导梯子试点项目的研究和评估报告,提供给试点测试点和英语语言习得办公室(OELA).

Evans, E., Shekar, A., Spalter, A. (2010)《威尼斯人娱乐城》. Presentation and discussion group at Illinois Resource Center Statewide Conference for Teachers Serving Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students; Chicago, IL.